The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

printed - Tour Diary of the Deputy Commissioner, Naga Hills 1870 (John Butler) volume one

caption: camp at Kolleanee river; fever
medium: tours
ethnicgroup: Rengma
location: Kolleanee R. Rhoutakottajan R. Sateesen
date: 20.1.1870
person: Butler/ John
date: 5.1.1870-30.3.1870
note: inaccurate spelling in the original text
text: 20th January, Thursday. Moved camp to-day to a spot on the left bank of the Kolleanee and close to the mouth of the Rhoutakottajan having passed through the village of Sateesen en route. The Kolleanee here is a fine broad river almost the size of the Dhunseeree at Borpothar but having a rocky bed more difficult of navigation.
text: I am sorry to find two out of the 6 constables with me are down with fever to-day and others are complaining of feeling unwell though I am sure it is not to be surprised at considering the exposure and fatigue we have all had to undergo.