The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

published - extracts from 'Descriptive Ethnography of Bengal' on Nagas by E.T. Dalton

caption: section 7. Lower Naga Group. (1) The Nagas west of the Doyang River
caption: burial: coffins; stone cenotaphs
medium: articles
person: Steward/ Major
person: Dalton/ E.T.
date: 1872
text: These Nagas bury their dead close to their houses in a coffin formed of the hollow of a tree. A large stone marks the spot, and the antiquity of the village may be estimated by the number and appearance of the cenotaphs found in them. They evince great tenacity to their village sites, and Major Steward attributes this mainly to their reverence for the dead.