The Nagas

Hill Peoples of Northeast India

Project Introduction The Naga Database

published - extracts on Nagas from 'Assam Administration Report'

caption: Naga Hills district
caption: Relations with Tributary States and Frontier Affairs
caption: criminal and civil justice
medium: reports
location: Shipvomi Kohima Kidima
date: 1886
date: 1887
text: 39. Only 46 cognisable and 10 non-cognisable cases were reported during the year; of the cognisable cases, 34 were brought to trial, involving 38 persons of whom 26 were convicted and 12 discharged. Most of the cases were minor offences against property, chiefly petty thefts in Kohima and villages along the Kohima-Golaghat road. Besides the criminal cases, there were a few cases disposed of by the Deputy-Commissioner in his political capacity, in which whole villages were frequently concerned. One of these was the Shipvomi raid case, detailed in full in last year's Report; the accused were punished in the year under review. Seven villages were concerned in this case and sentenced to pay fines aggregating Rs.8,465; 27 persons were also convicted and sentenced to various terms of imprisonment. There were two cases of riot, of which only one was serious. This was a case between two khels of the village of Kidima, and originated in a dispute as to whether quarantine should be enforced against Kohima, where cholera was raging. One of the khels wished to enforce it and the other objected on the ground that some of its members were then in that station. In the fight that ensued one man was killed, many houses wrecked, and crops destroyed. The men found to be directly implicated in causing the death were banished from the village for seven years according to the Naga custom, and the Deputy-Commissioner further imposed a fine of Rs.100 on the khel which destroyed the houses and crops of its adversaries. This case was the only serious exception to the complete internal tranquility of the district during the year.
text: There were 94 civil suits instituted against 55 in the preceding year; all but one, and all cases pending from 1885-86, were disposed of during the year. The total value of the suits instituted was Rs.5,161, against Rs.2,789 in 1885-86, and the total receipts from civil justice amounted to Rs.569-2.