out of which he accounteth in decay of the rents of divers parcels of land of Thos Webbe by year for three tenements called Estays and Prylles and Sextaynes 20d and in decay of the rent of divers parcels of land late in the tenure of Kath Vynour now to farm to Jn Filbrigge by year 3s9d and in decay of the rent of one croft late Thos Smythes called Litle Prodmans because it is among the farms of Steph Smythe with Berwicke by year 7d and in default of the rent of Rich Nicoll for 10a of land called Smytheland and by another name Hatchefield which gave fee by the year 18d and in default of the rent of the same Rich for one croft lying at The Pleystowe containing 5a of land sometime Steph Coleman now in the hands of the same Rich by escheat which affirmeth the said croft to be holden of himself by the same service and thereupon bringeth forth a deed of evidence witnessing the same by year 2s10d and in decay of the rent of one croft lying near Wakes Colne brook late the wife of Ralph Teryes because it is in the hands of the lord and is letten to farm above by year 16d and in decay of the rent of one pasture near Watermede because it is among the farms of Steph Smythe with the foresaid meadow by year 3d and in decay of the rent of Thos Tewe for one piece of wood because it cannot be distrained by year 6d and in the decay of the rent of the tenement sometime Ann Stoneard and late Wm Herte in the hands of the lord for default of (hire) by year 9d and in the allowance appointment of the rent of Wm Coggishall knight detained by year 3s8d and in the appointment allowance of the rent of Wm Cressener for Turgiesland by year 3d and in default of the rent of the lord of Bourghchyer by him detained and withholden from the sum in the rental by year for the land called Flotland and for one croft containing 1a2r near the messuage of Gerard Ashewood and another parcel by year 3s4d and in default of the rent of the prior of Lieghe for Colne Croft charged in the rental and now left in the hands of the lord because of ceasing the service and is demised to Jn Gernon as above in the title of the small farms by year 3s6d and in default of the rent of the same prior for 1a2r of land parcel of the tenement called Gladefen near Paccestrouche by year because the fee is unknown 8d and in default of the rent of the same prior for Hollmanspightell charged in the rental at 6d and granted by year now at 4d 2d and in default of the rent of Nich Holecrofte for the tenement called The Holte twice charged in the rental at 14d in Henningham Sybill and in decay of the rent of Geo Cornethe for the lands called The Chere which the same Geo holdeth as it is thought but not known by year 12d and in decay of the rent of the chaplain of the court singers of Halsted for certain lands called Lankinsland because they know not the fee by year 4s and in default of the rent of the lord of Rekelinge | |
(in the hand of Rich Harlakenden the father) query |
rent 13s4d which was sold to sir
three or 4s
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