Colne Priory Accounts (ERO D/DPr65)

michaelmas.4Edw6 (Monday 29 September 1550)

document 45900355

decrease and allowances of rents and farms and in decrease of rents of assize in Edwarstone above levied under the heading of rents of assize at 18d per annum namely in an allowance to the same this year as in the preceding 18d and in an allowance of half of the rent of divers lands in Gaynes Colne parcel of the manor there at 2s1d1h because the said rent is in the hands of the lord king by reason of the attincture of the said Wm Haward this year as in the preceding nill and in an allowance of the rent of divers lands pertaining lately to the College of Sudbury this year because it is in the hands of the lord king by reason of the surrender of the same 6s8d and in the decrease of the rent of one house in Colne in the tenure of Jn Bonde this year as in the preceding 8d and in an allowance of the common fine in Ballyngdon this year as in the preceding because it was charged twice 3s and in a decrease of the rent of one tenement in Colne late in the tenure of     at 12s per annum and thus above charged under the heading rent at will because it was granted by the lord the now Earl to Thos Brydge by copy of court roll only at 6s per annum and thus in the decrease of rent this year as in the preceding 6s and in an allowance of the rent of lands called Harveie Londe in Matteshall charged above at 2s per annum namely in an allowance of the same this year further to the 12d remaining of the said sum afterwards at the foot of this same account pending upon Robt Parker and thus in a decrease as in the preceding 12d