to this court came
Margt Pullen
widow and
late wife of
Wm Clarke
and now wife of
Dan Rande
butcher of Coggeshall and produced here in full court a certain warrant or writing in the hand of the lord of this manor signed and sealed with his seal and sought that the said warrant or writing should be enrolled in the rolls of this court and it was granted to them the tenor of the same said script in the following words namely Colne Priory be it known to all men by these presents that I
Rich Harlakenden
esq lord of the said manor of Colne Priory do by these presents give liberty and licence to
Margt Pullen
widow and
Jane Rande
wife of
Dan Rande
of Coxall butcher to demise and let to farm to any person or persons whatever for the term of ten years next running from after the feast of michaelmas now next ensuing all that piece or parcel of customary lands called
held of my said manor by copy of court roll saving to me my heirs and assigns lords of the said manor all and all
of rents services and customs due and accustomed for the same according to the custom of my said manor and these presents to be enrolled at the next court to be holden for my said manor shall be their sufficient warranty in that behalf given this
Rich Harlakenden
and the said
gave to the lord for the enrolment of the said warranty as is shown in the margin etc