whereas at a court here held 31.5.1626 it was presented by the homage that Edw Turner clerk being a customary tenant of this manor for one garden messuage or customary land lately built on called Perrys with appurtenances situated upon Colneford Hill died seised thereof and that before his death he surrendered the aforesaid premises according to the custom of the aforesaid manor to the use and behoof of his last will and testament the tenor of which in the aforesaid court rolls was entered in these words item I give my customary tenement called Perrys situated upon Colneford Hill after the decease of Alice my wife to my two daughters Margt and Joan and to their heirs as by a roll of the aforesaid court it was clearly shown now at this court it is shown by the homage that the aforesaid Alice his wife and Joan the daughter after the aforesaid court and before this court died therefore the aforesaid Margt came into court and humbly sought admittance to the aforesaid premises by right of accretion by virtue of the surrender and aforesaid testament to whom the lord by the aforesaid steward granted and delivered thereof seisin by the rod to have the aforesaid tenement garden or aforesaid messuage called Perrys with appurtenances to the aforesaid Margt her heirs and assigns forever to hold from the lord by the rod at the will of the lord according to the custom of the aforesaid manor by the rents services and customs thereunto belonging and by right accustomed and she gave to the lord her fine and made fealty to the lord and was admitted thereof tenant