Colne Priory Manor Court Rolls (ERO D/DPr22)

3.10.1643 (Tuesday 3 October 1643)

document 34600847

and furthermore at this court it is shown by the homage that the aforesaid Jas Pennock senior after the last court viz 2.3.1642 surrendered into the hands of the lord by the hands of Jn Reade instead of the bailiff in the presence of Jn Brewer and Robt Carter two customary tenants of the aforesaid manor the same testifying all that messuage and all his lands and tenements with appurtenances lying in the aforesaid Earls Colne in the tenure of the said Jas Pennock senior which same said messuages lands and tenements and the aforesaid field or parcel of land with appurtenances mentioned above the aforesaid Jas Pennock took for himself and his heirs by name one piece of land late parcel of Chippin then built on containing by estimation 7a3r17p at a court here held 1.4.1609 to the use and behoof of Wm Pennock his son his heirs and assigns forever upon condition that the aforesaid Margery wife of the said Jas should have her dwelling in the hall and the parlour of the said messuage and that she will have the little buttery and the room above the millhouse there and 8li of legal money of England to be paid annually to the said Margery during her lifetime for each year by quarterly equal portions from the rents and profits of the premises and that the aforesaid Wm Pennock his heirs and assigns should pay Guy Pennock son of the said Jas 40li of legal money of England within one year after the decease of the said Margery and to Grace Pennock daughter of the said Jas 20li of legal money of England within one year after the decease of the said Margery and if the aforesaid Wm Pennock his heirs or assigns should fail to pay the aforesaid separate expenses and sums and to fulfil the aforesaid condition then the aforesaid Jas Pennock surrendered all and singular the premises to the use and behoof of the said Guy Pennock his heirs and assigns as fulfilment of the aforesaid condition and afterwards and before this court the aforesaid Jas Pennock died upon which came here into court the aforesaid Wm Pennock and humbly sought admittance to whom the lord by the aforesaid steward granted and delivered thereof seisin by the rod to have and to hold the aforesaid messuage and other premises with appurtenances to the aforesaid Wm Pennock his heirs and assigns from the lord by the rod at the will of the lord according to the custom of the aforesaid manor by the rents services and customs thereunto belonging and by right accustomed and he gave to the lord for a fine etc