and furthermore at this court it is testified by the aforesaid steward and it is shown by the homage that Jn Browne and Eliz his wife out of court came before the aforesaid steward and Eliz herself solely and secretly examined by the aforesaid steward as is the custom and they surrendered into the hands of the lord by the hands of the said steward according to the custom of the aforesaid manor all that customary messuage with appurtenances called The Middle House in which the aforesaid Jn and Eliz now live lying in Holtstreet in Earls Colne to the use and behoof of the said Eliz for her lifetime and after her decease to the use and behoof of Alice Browne daughter of the said Jn Browne for the term of twelve years next following the death of the said Eliz to be fully completed and finished and after the said term has finished to the use and behoof of Jn Hutton son of Guy Hutton and his heirs and assigns upon the condition that the aforesaid Jn Hutton his heirs executors or assigns should pay or cause to be paid to Thos Hutton Hen Hutton and Wm Hutton his brothers viz to each of them 10s within one year after the aforesaid term has finished and if any of them should died before the aforesaid payment that then the aforesaid sum pertaining should be divided amongst the remaining of them provided always that the aforesaid Eliz should be allowed by any writing signed by the said Eliz to recall and annul the aforesaid use