and furthermore whereas at a court here held 31.5.1637 Ann Bentall then wife of Geo Bentall was admitted tenant of the lord for herself and her heirs to one croft of land called Broadfield also Bradfield containing by estimation 6a more or less and to a hall room and kitchen parcel of a capital messuage late of Thos Machin situated in Earls Colne and to the room above the said hall and kitchen and to one part of a large orchard divided from the rest and lying removed from a certain piece of land called Blakes with free carriage and use of the water in the pond pertaining to the aforesaid capital messuage as by a roll of the aforesaid court it appears now at this court it is shown by the homage that the aforesaid Geo died after two years and that the aforesaid Ann Bentall as his widow after the last general court viz 18.9.1645 surrendered into the hands of the lord by the hands of Jn Reade instead of the bailiff and in the presence of Hen Ennew and Jn Brewer two customary tenants of the manor the same testifying the aforesaid croft of land and all and singular the premises with appurtenances to the use and behoof of Robt Carter senior and his heirs who present in court humbly sought admittance to whom the lord by the aforesaid steward granted and delivered thereof seisin by the rod to have and to hold the aforesaid croft of land hall room kitchen and upper rooms and the aforesaid part of the great orchard with free carriage and use of the aforesaid water to the aforesaid Robt Carter his heirs and assigns from the lord by the rod at the will of the lord according to the custom of the aforesaid manor by the rents services and customs thereunto belonging and by right accustomed and he gave to the lord a fine and made fealty