Colne Priory Manor Court Rolls (ERO D/DPr22)

24.7.1650 (Wednesday 24 July 1650)

document 34800814

and afterwards into the same court and with the court sitting came the aforesaid Edm Strutt and Sibil his wife the same said Sibil solely and secretly examined by the steward as is the custom and agreeing and surrendered into the hands of the lord by the hands of the aforesaid steward the aforesaid field and pightle and premises with appurtenances to the use and behoof of Jn Marsh of Elmeswell Suffolk gentleman his heirs and assigns upon the condition that if the aforesaid Jn Marsh his heirs executors or assigns do not pay or cause to be paid to the aforesaid Sibil Strutt or her assigns in or at the dwelling house of Wm Simpson gentleman situated in Pedmarsh 5li10s of legal money of England annually and each year during the lifetime of the said Sibil at the feast of michaelmas and the annunciation in equal portions or within fourteen days after the aforesaid feasts that then the aforesaid Sibil should be allowed properly to enter into the aforesaid premises and should have and hold the aforesaid premises and to retain the profits and rents until the aforesaid annual sums and all the arrears of the same should be fully satisfied and fulfilled and upon the further condition that if the aforesaid Jn Marsh his heirs executors or assigns do not pay or cause to be paid at the dwelling house of the said Wm Sympson to the children both male and female of the said Sibil Strutt who survive the said Sibil 50li of legal money of England equally and in equal portions and the sum mentioned below for interest in the following manner and form viz to the single children who will then be of the full age of twenty one years their equal parts and portions of the said sum of 50li within six months after the death of the said Sibil and to the single children who at the time of the death of the said Sibil will be under the said age their equal parts and portions of the said sum of 50li within three months next after their separate ages with interest according to the rate of 1s in the pound per annum that then the children shall be allowed to enter the aforesaid premises for their part or portion with the aforesaid interest not paid and to retain the rents and profits of the same as their portion until satisfaction and payment of their aforesaid portion and portions of the sum of 50li and the aforesaid interest is paid upon which came here into court the aforesaid Jn Marsh and humbly sought admittance to the premises to whom the lord by the aforesaid steward granted and delivered thereof seisin by the rod to have and to hold the aforesaid tenement and other premises with appurtenances to the aforesaid Jn Marsh his heirs and assigns upon the aforesaid conditions from the lord by the rod at the will of the lord according to the custom of the aforesaid manor by the rents services and customs thereunto belonging and by right accustomed and he gave to the lord for a fine and made fealty and thus was admitted thereof tenant upon the aforesaid conditions