whereas at a court held for the said manor 3.6.1656 Mary the wife of Jn Morley gentleman Eliz Nevill Grisel the wife of Hen Weals gentleman Bridget Nevill now the wife of Jn Sarjeant clerk and Margt the wife of Math Butcher the younger gentleman the five sisters and coheirs of Rich Nevill gentleman deceased were admitted tenants to them and their heirs in coparcenary to one croft of land called Whitecroft to one parcel of land called Welfield Beanefield and Bamble to one croft of land called Mundons Croft to one other croft of land called Murdons to one garden called Murdons to one garden called Buggs Garden to one parcel of land enclosed in two parcels upon one whereof a tilekiln was lately built to one parcel of land with a garden or grove adjoining called Sturpitts to one tenement with a garden adjoining called Doddingpole Hoe to one tenement called Wanstaves to one croft of land called Howletts to one other croft of land with an aldercar called Smiths to one croft of land with the appurtenances late of Jn Sexton to one tenement late of Rich Hoe and the pasture upon The Hoe late of Jn Wallis to one garden called Heggs Garden with a lane lying between the lands of the late earl of Oxford called Bridgmans and a croft of land called Teynter Croft now at this court it was presented by the homage that the said Eliz Nevill upon this instant 5.1. out of court before this court did surrender into the hands of the lord of the said manor by the hands of Jn Morley instead of the bailiff and in the presence of Robt Carter and Jas Day two customary tenants of the said manor the same witnessing all her fifth part and purparty and all her estate and interest of and in the said lands tenements and premises with their appurtenances to the use of Ralph Josselin clerk his heirs and assigns forever