at this court came Wm Sewell junior of Halstead Essex clothier and Sarah his wife and the said Sarah secretly examined and consenting surrendered by the hands of the steward all that customary messuage or tenement called Mathews Acre and one piece of land with a well in it late parcel of a tenement of Thos Elmstead and one croft of land called Olmestead Croft with a barn thereon built held by the annual rent of 2s9d and also a tenement called Flemans held by the annual rent of 8d and also a certain parcel of land lying behind a tenement called The Malthouse with a garden called Grapnells held by the annual rent of 2s which premises the said Sarah by the name of Sarah Marriage was admitted to 31.3.1720 to the use of Thos Sewell of Earls Colne gentleman and Mary his wife and the heirs of the said Thos forever upon which came the said Thos and the said Mary by her husband and were admitted etc and gave fine and the said Thos made fealty