Colne Priory Manor Court Rolls (ERO D/DPr1)

24.5.1507 (Monday 24 May 1507)

document 53501596

and that the same said Jn Lyngwod out of court surrendered into the hands of the lord by the hands of Hen Poleyn tenant of the lord in place of the bailiff in the presence of the lord Jn Eyre prior and lord of this manor the same testifying according to the custom of the manor one croft of land containing 3r of land late of Thos Webbe abutting upon The Holt Pond sometime of Jn Colier to the use of Wm Lyngwod his son to whom there is free seisin thereof to hold to himself and Jn Mootham and their assigns from the lord by the rod at the will of the lord according to the custom of the manor by making and returning the rents and fines and customs thereunto belonging and accustomed and they gave to the lord for a fine as is shown in the margin and made fealty
fine 12d