11. This week the Lord was good to me in many good providences, in divers kindnesses received from others. But my ways were not towards good according to his goodness to me, oh that my heart could break within me in the apprehension thereof, [Navel.] my navel was a little ill at the bottom No. 10 with white matter as it were, and so on the lords day morning, and hereupon is a sense of gods displeasure therein my heart trembled and turning to proverbs. 3. there the text says fear god depart from evil, it shall be health to thy navel and marrow to thy bones, I desired with joy to close with the word of promise, and to give up myself in obedience to the name of god, give me grace to close with thee, and do not then fail me nor forsake me, god was good to me in the mercies of the day, strength and voice, my face swelled with a cats bite, and the kernel in my neck, but my god will command mercies for me, oh that then I could praise him