Diary of Ralph Josselin (Private Collection)

1.12.1649, 16.12.1649 (Monday 1 December 1649)

document 70004530

December: 1: to 16: This time god was good and gracious to me and mine, in our peace and in provisions for us, yet all things were wonderfully dear, wheat. 9s. malt. 4s.8d. rye 7s.6d. oatmeal: 8s. per bushel, and cheese 4d.ob. all things dear, yet the season was indifferent warm and dry. beggars many, givers few, lord of thy bounty provide for the poor, I constrained myself to do more than ordinary for our poor, it is better to give than to receive, and yet poor people were never more regardless of god than nowadays: god good in our health, except my little Ralph , who pined and grew very tedious these cold nights to his poor mother , god in mercy preserve them both, gods goodness was very great to her, god good in the education of my children, especially Mary and Tho: for whose sake I took care of Colne school all this time, I find myself somewhat stopped in my pipes making me in the night apt to wheeze, but I perceive it not in the day time, which is a great mercy that I should rest so free from colds for so long a time, god was good to me in keeping me from old lusts and temptations, which yet are ready now and then to put up head in me, Lord let thy grace be sufficient for me, and preserve me spotless to thy heavenly kingdom, Lord let me live every day more and more spiritually, in the strength and power of thy rich grace, god was good to me in the Sabbath, in the duties and exercises thereof, Mr Rogers was a help this day to me, god good to me in my navel which continued still well notwithstanding my walkings, and stirrings, the lord have the glory of all his preservations; the earth yet gives hope of a good crop for the next year, the eyes of god be on it in mercy all the year for good