Ap: 28. This week the Lord continued good to us in our peace, and provision for us, the spring very comfortable, affording great hopes of plenty: for health, Jane and Tom , very well Mary , and my wife , ill but not down sick. Ralphs distempers continues, he has slept very quietly which has revived us all. [Navel.] my navel issued, but not very sore and so it has continued this week, I have had a stuffing in my head and pose and sneezing ever since April. 15. and it continues still, whereby I have voided a great abundance of rheum, and moisture, and being somewhat feverish some days, through mercy, I had no further trouble, all these illnesses my god shall remove, and does me good by them, my heart was more free from former vanities, and taken up with meditations of god, and observing him in variety of providences, our dear friend Mrs Mary continued ill, full of pain, Lord ease her if it by your good pleasure, the Lord was good to me in the Sabbath, in expounding and preaching the word, his name have the praise, the lord in rich mercy accept of me and delight in me and do me good:.