Diary of Ralph Josselin (Private Collection)

27.5.1650 (Monday 27 May 1650)

document 70004940

27. This day a quarter past two in the afternoon my Mary fell asleep in the Lord, her soul past into that rest where the body of Jesus, and the souls of the saints are, she was: 8 years and 45 days old when she died, my soul had abundant cause to bless god for her, who was our first fruits, and those god would have offered to him, and this I freely resigned up to him(,) it was a precious child, a bundle of myrrh, a bundle of sweetness, she was a child of ten thousand, full of wisdom, woman-like gravity, knowledge, sweet expre[ssions of god, apt in her learning,] tender hearted and loving, an [obed]ient child [to us.] it was free from [the rudeness of] little children, it was to us as a box of sweet ointment, which now its broken smells more deliciously than it did before, Lord I rejoice I had such a present for thee, it was patient in the sickness, thankful to admiration; it lived desired and died lamented, thy memory is and will be sweet unto me.