Mar: 23. This day the two chapters I read in course very comfortable, especially the latter Rev. 18 and .v. 1: and that passage Babylon falls when she sits as a queen, the news of Cromwell's death if true will extremely lift up the enemy, but god can ruin them when he pleases(,) after sermon I perceived by Mr Cressener that his death if so was kept close, he said the Scots army was come on this side Sterlin, the lord arise and awake for our good: the smallpox has spread no further in the town since, the lord be praised in the preservation of my family, those visited are upwards again through mercy. Mr owen has a place of great profit given him viz. Deane of christ-church; the god of heaven was good to us in many outward mercies for which I desire to give him glory, lord cleanse my heart, and in mercy keep it so, that I may live in thy sight, the lord was good to me in the word preached for which I bless him. in the chapter that was read being. 1 Cr. 18: Commissioners are gone down to order the affairs of the army in the unfitness of the general to do it.
Spring was very backward this year. my apricot tree had one white fair bud on it, and my melocoton another, never a blossom to this day.