Diary of Ralph Josselin (Private Collection)

30.10.1651 (Thursday 30 October 1651)

document 70006110

30. so I went this day to apply this notion. Rev: 11. 13. the 10th part of the city falls by an earthquake (and no hail) the 10 part I have conceived to be these 3 kingdoms: which as they have not had a foreign enemy so perhaps shall not, though often intended. now I hear the King is in France, I said by October we should hear where he was if alive, on this ground that a King is too great a person to conceal long. some said he was killed, some said he was here and there and they say Lorraine intends to waft over forces into Ireland, but I fear them not, if this notion hold.

v. 19. when the kingdoms become christs. there is hail. other kingdoms shall be invaded. Rev. 16. 18. 21: their ruin shall be occasioned by civil commotions, and then accomplished by the hail of foreigners swords: heard Jersey island was taken.