7. rode to Bumpsted, and. 8. preached at Haveril endeavouring to advance the gospel in the hearts of people, my friends well, my sisters children I schooled for their disobedience(.) god good to me in my return my heart much out of frame, the lord purge it, and sanctify it. when I came home heard old. H. Abbott was dead, who regarded not the lord in his illness, and was not much capable to look after him, just is god when persons do not mind god in their lives, god should some way or other take them off, from calling on him in the time of death,- received kindness from Mr Jeff. Littell and his wife, heard as if our success great in the West Indies and yet our loss of Haines true; perhaps that was to engage us the more earnestly against Spain, and now if we can but frame up a religious war of Protestants against papists, we shall hinder, the nations from looking to their balancings each other, and ruining the papists, by the help of protestants, who by their ships only can in reason hinder it, we shall do our business, and afterwards make them smart.