Diary of Ralph Josselin (Private Collection)

29.3.1657 (Sunday 29 March 1657)

document 70010130

March: 29. God good to me in many particular mercies, these few days past I have dwelt with sorrows, but I see out of them, sins sorrows are those indeed that trouble, and amaze men, the season is now cool, hopes of dews, the drought began to grow on us, talk now of a King, the lord be our King and law giver, I was very much down in my own thoughts in the work of the Sabbath the Lord pardon all to me. this day I heard of the sickness of Tho. Humfry by smallpox. while I am preaching of christ our preserver, what things do I see, lord be the preserver of me and mine, as you have been, Mrs Mabel Elliston so ill, that there are great fears, she will not continue, lord revive her spirit, as in former days, and be you her life, and strength in the midst of us.