April. 5. The Lord good to me, or my griefs, and business would have bowed me down, his mercy, and goodness upheld me, in the sense whereof my heart desires to rejoice. Tho. Humfry sick of the smallpox. I sought the lord for his life and pardon of sin, oh lord show mercy, I heard he had learned to curse by the pox, if so the lord has met with him, oh turn again in mercy, and heal soul and body if it please thee(.) I had great experience of gods mercy in bringing my matter to hand for the Sabbath, in an hour or two, helping me therein, so that I found the sword sweet and lively, the lord in mercy make it so unto many others; god answered prayer in Mrs Harlakenden who was about before 11. a clock at night delivered of a daughter, the lord inherit all our praises. and the next morning was very cheerful.