item it is shown by the homage that
Susan Cooke
wife of
Jn Cooke
after the last court died and she held to herself for the term of her natural life from the lord of this manor by the rod etc one cottage with a parcel of land sometime the waste of this manor situated upon Colne Green the remainder thereof to the use and behoof of
Jeremy Cooke
Ann Cooke
Susan Cooke
Mary Cooke
the children of the said
as by a court roll here in court produced bearing the date
in easter week being 3.4.1616
clearly shows and appears now at this court it is shown that the said
are under the age of fourteen years upon which to this court came the aforesaid
Jn Cooke
their father and humbly sought from the lord of this manor admittance as guardian of the aforesaid children until they should reach their separate ages of fourteen years and it is granted to him until etc to hold from the lord by the rod at the will of the lord according to the custom of the said manor by the annual rent thereof of 12d to be paid at the usual times etc and other services thereunto belonging and by right accustomed and the said
Jn Cooke
gave to the lord his fine and made fealty and was admitted thereof guardian