and furthermore whereas at a court here held
Wm Pennock
was admitted tenant of the lord for himself and his heirs to the east end of one customary messuage called
now divided from the rest of the said messuage and existing as one separate messuage with stable barn and garden lying on the north part of the said messuage and lying between the cemetery of the church of Earls Colne and the highway leading from the said Colne towards Halstead on the
part as is shown by the said court roll now at this court it is shown by the homage that after the said court and before this court the said
Wm Pennock
died seised and that
Jn Pennock
is his son and heir aged about 7yrs who present in court humbly seeks admittance to whom the lord by the said steward granted and delivered seisin by the rod to have and to hold all and singular the said premises with appurtenances to the said
Jn Pennock
his heirs and assigns forever from the lord by the rod at the will of the lord according to the customs of the said manor by the rent of 3d per annum for his part not for all the other the usual services and customs thereunto belonging and by right accustomed and he gave to the lord his fine but fealty was respited because he was under age and because the said
is under age the guardianship of his lands and body is granted to
Ann Pennock
until he is of full age
(illegible beyond here)
and she made fealty and was admitted guardian