at a court held 22.3.1699 Eliz Potter was admitted to her and her heirs to one messuage or tenement late in two tenements divided and now in occupation Edw Payne and Edw Peartree now it appears etc Eliz died late seised and that 15.7.1699 surrendered by rod into hand of lord by hand of Wm Potter instead of the bailiff in presence of Jn Hatch and Dan Nightingell two customary tenants etc said premises with appurtenances and all customary tenements lands and hereditaments held of the manor to such use as to be declared in last will in writing now comes into court Jn Potter eldest son of Wm Potter father of the said Eliz and produces in court the will of said Eliz dated 20.7.1699 in following english words item I give and bequeath unto my loving niece Mary Newman my copyhold messuages or tenements holden of the manor of Earls Colne which were purchased of Edw Payne and Sara his wife to hold to her the said Mary Newman and her heirs and assigns forever paying unto Wm Newman her brother 40s lawful money within three years after my decease which Mary Newman by said Jn Potter in role of attorney or deputy humbly petitions etc admitted etc the premises fealty respited