Earls Colne Manor Court Rolls (ERO D/DPr82)

1.4.1706 (Monday 1 April 1706)

document 40800230

at a court held 23.3.1698 Jn Tyler was admitted to him and heirs to one tenement called Mordens also Crosse End now or late in occupation Wm Tiffin now at this court appears that said Jn Tyler 29.5.last past surrendered by rod into hand of lord by hand of Sam Burton in place of the bailiff in presence of Jn Last and Humph Ruggles two customary tenants said premises with appurtenances to use of Jn Fletcher of Earls Colne yeoman his heirs and assigns forever who is present here in court and humbly petitions etc admitted premises with appurtenances fealty respited