and immediately after the court sitting to this court came Thos Keable junior in his own person and complains against said Rich Andrewes of said land viz one messuage and 15a land and 1a pasture with appurtenances in Earls Colne held of this manor under jurisdiction of this court according to custom of manor and made protestation to prosecute his plaint in form and nature of a writ etc of entry upon a disseisin in le post at the common law etc and found pledges to prosecute his said plaint to wit Jn Doe and Rich Roe and prays process to summon said Rich Andrewes to reply and this was granted immediately after said Rich Andrewes in own person and in full court freely offers to answer to Thos Keable Thos Keable prays against Rich Andrewes the lands with appurtenances as his right and inheritance according to custom of the manor in which Rich Andrewes has not right of entry but after disseisin which Hugo Hunt thereupon unjustly and without judgement made to said Rich Andrewes within thirty years now last past whereupon he says that he was seised in his demesne as of fee and Rich Andrewes in his own person comes and defends his right etc and calls to warranty said Jn Hatch and Susan his wife who present here in court freely warrant the lands and tenements with appurtenances etc and after Thos Keable demands against Jn Hatch and Susan his wife tenants by his warranty and whereupon he says that he was seised etc and thereupon brings suit etc the said Jn Hatch and Susan defend their right etc and vouches to warranty Dan Bayley junior who present here freely warrants the lands said Thos Keable demands against said Dan Bayley tenant by his warranty etc and thereupon he brings suit etc said Dan Bayly in his own person comes and defends his own right when etc and says that Hugo Hunt did not disseise said Thos Keable of the lands etc in form in plaint above supposes and of this he puts himself Thos Keable craves leave to imparl until tenth hour before noon of present day he has it same hour is given to Dan Bayley and he has it afterwards said Thos Keable comes at present hour in own person said Dan Bayley though solemnly demanded did not come in contempt of court and made default after public proclamation made etc Thos Keable do recover against Rich Andrewes the lands and tenements said Rich Andrewes have of Jn Hatch Susan said Dan Bayly in mercy prays a precept to cause him to have full seisin etc to be directed to baillie this was granted and after this court sitting to wit the same day comes back into court said Thos Keable in his own person and Jn Paine baillie certified that by virtue of the precept etc he had caused said Thos Keable to have full seisin etc lord by deputy steward in full recovery granted Thos Keable seisin of the lands and tenements with appurtenances etc but did not give lord fine because this recovery is the best assurance and by oath of the two jury is admitted tenant in said form