to this court comes Jeremiah Waller son and heir of Mary Waller who was one of the sisters of Thos Brewer late deceased and in open court surrendered by the rod into hand of lord by permission of said steward all his half of a customary cottage or tenement with appurtenances lying and being in Holt Street being parcel of a tenement called Francis to which premises said Jeremiah and Thos Belcham son and heir of Sara Belcham who was another sister of said Thos Brewer at that court were admitted to half as next heirs of Thos Brewer all his right title interest and claim of said Jeremiah therefore to use of said Thos Belcham his heirs and assigns forever which Thos Belcham present here in court lords by steward granted delivery of seisin by the rod of half said cottage with appurtenances etc