now at this court homage presents the death of Jn May and comes into court Jn May the son and produced the will of Jn May the father dated 29.6.last in and by which Jn May father did give and devise unto his only son Jn May and his heirs forever all and singular his messuages lands and tenements and hereditaments both freehold and copyhold situate lying and being in Earls Colne upon paying yearly to his mother Mary for life 8li in four quarterly payments tax free with power of entry for non payment and thereupon Jn May son craves to be admitted to such part of the premises as are copyhold which he is to take before the death of his mother to wit all that messuage with a garden curtilage adjoining called Sonningwells with appurtenances in Earls Colne now in tenure of Jos Botts and to that part of a tenement adjoining called Tabors which said Jos Botts holds and also to a parcel land called Dovehouse Field held by rent 10s and also to Pond Croft held by rent 6s8d which said parcels land contain 14a more or less with every of appurtenances etc did his fealty etc