whereas at last general court held 6.3.last it was presented by then homage before the said court to wit on 17.8.1737 that Thos Angier gentleman and Eliz his wife and Geo Angier only son and heir apparent of Thos and Eliz she Eliz being first solely and secretly examined by Solomon Grimston deputy steward of manor and consenting as the manner is surrendered by rod into hand of lord by hand of deputy steward according to custom of manor all that messuage tenement or dwelling house wherein said Thos Angier did then and doth now inhabit wherein Geo Toller gentleman late father of Eliz Angier did formerly inhabit and dwell with all houses edifices buildings malting office barns stables yards gardens and orchards thereunto belonging together with one croft land or pasture adjoining to lands then and now in occupation of Jas Savill containing by estimation 1a more or less and one other field or croft of land or pasture ground lying behind the malting office containing by estimation 2a2r more or less with all their appurtenances as said premises are in tenure of Thos Angier or assigns and also all and every other their lands and tenements held of the manor to and for the intents and purposes and under the provisos and conditions and subject to the reservations and exceptions therein and hereinafter mentioned that is to say to the use of Eliz Angier mother and her assigns for her life and after her death to use of Geo Angier his heirs and assigns forever reserving unto Thos Angier and assigns in case he shall survive Eliz his wife during his life the free use and liberty of the front courtyard of and belonging to the messuage or tenement which Thos does now inhabit the cellar the lower parlour the hall and entry with the two chambers and two closets over them and three garrets together with the pump and pump yard the said Thos Angier being at half the charge of repairing the pump from time to time the dairy and brewhouse and the two lower orchards leading from the kitchen garden to the ryegrass field and also the kitchen garden and one stable and hayhouse and liberty and room in the first and second chaseway to lay wood or any other fuels with free liberty to pass and repass through the said chaseways to and from the common road upon all necessary occasions providing also if Thos Angier do at any time hereafter in case he shall survive Eliz his wife think fit to quit the said reserved premises unto Geo Angier his heirs and assigns and shall give him six months notice thereof that then Geo Angier his heirs executors administrators or assigns shall and will from the time of his quitting of possession of the reserved premises well and truly pay to Thos Angier or his assigns for the term of his life of said Thos the yearly rent or sum of 15li of lawful money by half yearly payments without any manner of deductions whatsoever provided also and this present surrender to Geo Angier and heirs is upon this further condition that if Geo Angier shall and do at any time during the life of Eliz his mother marry to or contract matrimony with any person whomsoever without the license or consent or approbation of her Eliz his mother under her hand first had and obtained in writing that then and in such case this present surrender shall be void and that Thos Angier and Eliz his wife in case they shall be both living or in case of death of Thos Angier living the said Eliz she the said Eliz shall or lawfully may surrender all the said messuages lands and tenements to use of any other child or children between Thos Angier and Eliz his wife begotten or to be begot his or her or their heirs and assigns forever with the like reservation therein to be inserted as is hereinbefore mentioned and expressed