Earls Colne Manor Court Rolls (ERO D/DPr67)

24.4.1413 (Monday 24 April 1413)

document 55000811

fine 12d void because unclaimed at this court came Cath late wife of Thos Prodeman and surrendered into the hands of the lord two cottages with appurtenances one cottage called Brasyers and the other cottage called Brays according as they lie between a messuage of Robt Kyrton on one part and a messuage of Jn Keler on the other part to the use of the said Cath and Thos her son the lord at this court did not grant thereof seisin to hold to the same said Cath and Thos their heirs and assigns from the lord at the will of the lord according to ancient services and customs according to the customs of the manor saving whatever right and they gave to the lord for a fine etc and made fealty (sic)