Earls Colne Manor Court Rolls (ERO D/DPr67)

19.12.1418 (Wednesday 19 December 1418)

document 55500389

mercy 4d pain an inquisition taken by the office of the steward by the oath of Jn Hyne Jn Soneld Jn Wright Wm Atte Frethe Wm Attewood Jn Maldon Rich Abraham Jn Atte Parke junior Roger Morden Wm Prudeman Thos Bonyl and Thos Kelet which say that the tenants of the land and tenement of Jn Maldon have one gutter running out of their garden into the churchyard leading through Berecroft# even into the king's highway to the hurt etc therefore in mercy etc and pained to amend it before the next court under pain of 12d