fine 2s | at this court Rich Cope out of court lying very sick surrendered into the hands of Jn Turnor bailiff of this manor in the presence of Roger Mordon and Jn Little and others witnessing one cottage with appurtenances lying near the messuage sometime Steph Melles of the one part and the garden of Jn Wright of the other part the one head abutting on the highway to the use of Jn Wright Rich Skinner the elder and Wm Turnor of Thuryton yet on this condition following that the said Jn Wm and Rich shall find Jn the son of the said Rich for the term of his life with the money issuing out of the same cottage with appurtenances and after the death of the said Jn the son of Rich the said cottage with appurtenances shall rema in to the said Jn Rich and Wm yet on the condition following that the said Jn Rich and Wm do sell the same cottage by the lord's licence and with the money coming thereof pay the debts of the said Rich and Jn his son and bestow the rest in other works of charity for his soul to whom the lord now at this court granted seisin thereof to hold to them and their heirs and assigns on the condition aforesaid of the lord to the will of the lord by ancient services and customs and they gave the lord for fine and made fealty |