Earls Colne Manor Court Rolls (ERO D/DPr67)

3.11.1419 (Friday 3 November 1419)

document 55601517

fine 16d to this court came Robt Stephens and Maud his wife she being alone and examined confessed by the witness of Jn Hyne and Thos Bonyle and other the lord's tenants the same witnessing and testifying and surrendered to the lord a tenement and 24a of land meadow and pasture with appurtenances sometime Rich Stephens the father of the said Robt which lands the said Robt had of the surrender of Roger Morden after the death of the said Rich as appears in the roll of the court held tuesday in the week of pentecost 2.6.12Hen4 and the same said Roger had of the surrender of the said Rich Stephens the said lands and tenement in Earls Colne and other lands in Colne Engaine with Adam Crudde Geof Clerke Jn Atte Chambre Jn Werkman Jn Ballard as appears in the roll of the court held on tuesday next after the feast of pentecost 28.5.10Rich2 to the use of Jn Nightingale Jn Maldon Robt Nightingale and Jn Turnor otherwise called Bonjon yet on condition following that the said Jn Jn Robt and Jn pay or cause to be paid to the said Robt and Maud or to their attorneys 4li6s8d sterling to wit at easter next coming after this court 6s8d at michaelmas following and so from year to year until the said 4li6s8d shall be fully satisfied to whom the lord now in court granted seisin thereof to hold to the said Jn Jn Robt and Jn and their heirs and assigns of the lord to the will of the lord by ancient services and customs and on the condition aforesaid and if it happen that the said Jn Jn Robt and Jn or their attorneys make default in the payment aforesaid at any of the terms then it shall be lawful to the said Robt and Maud his wife by the lord's licence to reenter on the said lands and tenement with appurtenances and the same to retain this surrender notwithstanding but if paid it shall stand in all virtue and they give the lord for fine and made fealty