Earls Colne Manor Court Rolls (ERO D/DPr68)

29.5.1425 (Tuesday 29 May 1425)

document 56100943

fine 2s at this court Jn Rouncy in good mind and Alice his wife she solely examined and confessing by the steward surrendered into the hands of Jn Payn on behalf of the lord's steward 16a of land with appurtenances from a parcel of a tenement called Bernemannes to the use of Jn Mille Jn Hyne and Jn Bray to whom the lord now at this court granted thereof seisin to hold to the same said Jn Jn and Jn the heirs and assigns of the said Jn Mille from the lord at the will of the lord by ancient services and customs etc and gave to the lord for a fine etc and made fealty etc