Earls Colne inquisition heriot Jn Mille heriot Thos Segge heriot inquisition | whereas at a court here held on friday next before the feast of all saints 30.10.6Edw3 an inquisition presented that Steph Presteman inquisition(inserted) held from the lord on the day that he died one messuage and 2a of land by the services of 3s1d and the heriot thereof accruing to the lord one sheep valued at 3s as the best beast etc and afterwards came Matilda who was the wife of the said Steph and showed that she herself was jointly enfeoffed with the said Steph for the aforesaid 2a of land and half of the said messuage for which the same said Matilda made fealty and for the remainder of the said messuage came Hen son and heir of the said Steph who was of full age and paid to the lord a relief of 4d etc item inquisition(inserted) after the death of O live Berewyk who held from the lord on the day that she died one messuage and 9a of land called Caporonneslond by the service of 3s6d and 7a of land called Hethlond by the services of 6s6d and one cow valued at 10s taken by way of heriot as his best beast and now came Joan daughter of the said Olive and sought the aforesaid tenement as her next heir and of full age and gave relief for the messuage and Caporonneslond of 3s6d and for the 7a of land called Hethlond 6s6d item Jn Heyne now Thos Segge chaplain#(inserted) who held from the lord on the day that he died one cottage by the service of 12d after his death was taken into the hands of the lord one ewe by way of heriot which was sold for 16d and came Jn his brother and next heir and of full age and gave relief of 12d and made fealty item Jn de Medmenham and Xian his wife came and surrendered into the hands of the lord half of one messuage next to a messuage of Agnes Symond to the use of Wm Burdewill and Felicity his wife to whom etc by the services and customs etc item the same said Jn came and surrendered into the hands of the lord one piece with a certain room built upon it lying in the market place next to Tholhous to whom the lord regranted to the aforesaid Jn and Xian his wife the heirs and assigns of the said Jn by the services and customs etc |