Earls Colne Manor Court Rolls (ERO D/DPr68)

11.10.1430 (Wednesday 11 October 1430)

document 56603715

Colne Engaine Hen Toterych Jn Payn cornloader Earls Colne illegible textJn Payn Joan Wodeward whereas at a court here held with view on the tuesday in the week of pentecost 3.6.28Edw3 it was presented Hen Toterych (inserted) to seize into the hands of the lord one messuage and 20a of land with appurtenances which Rich Stepvene the lord's bondsman purchased of Simon of Coggeshale etc and to return to the lord of the profits thereof item it was presented to seize into the hands of the lord one croft of land containing 3a of land and pasture called Sandhill until etc whereas Jn Payn (inserted) lately were seized into the hands of the lord 12a of land and 2r of meadow and pasture with a certain parcel of one messuage which Rich Stepvene the lord's bondsman purchased of Wm Coweshale and Simon his son and the said Rich came and sought admittance to the said tenement to whom and Christine his wife and the heirs of the body of the same etc and they gave an increase of the named rent of 12d etc item Adam Botyler came and surrendered Jn Payn (inserted) into the hands of the lord one cottage lying next to a tenement of Jn Iryk to the use of Wm Stepvene and Joan his wife and their heirs by the services and customs etc item inquisition(inserted) Wm Roscheden Joan Wodeward (inserted) came and surrendered into the hands of the lord 3a2r of land sometime of Jn Burgh to the use of Wm Burdevyll and his heirs by the services and customs etc