Earls Colne Manor Court Rolls (ERO D/DPr68)

22.5.1431 (Tuesday 22 May 1431)

document 56700763

fine 20d ancient rent 5s5d1h and a new increase of 1h (sic) at this court the lord granted confirmed and ratified by his steward all his right estate that he had in one parcel of land lying in The Lowefeld containing 4a4r of land as enclosed with hedges and ditches according to the form and effect of a certain copy made when at a court here held on 2.12.7Hen6 to have and to hold to himself and his heirs and assigns from michaelmas next after the date of this court until the end and term of forty years following and fully completed returning thereof annually to the lord or his assigns per annum 5s5d1h and an increase of 1h for each year viz at the feast of michaelmas and easter equally and also maintaining all duties both to the lord king and the chief lord for the enfeofment of the same said par cel of land as incurred and also upkeep and maintenance of the aforesaid close around the parcel of land without making waste and strip etc and he gave to the lord for a fine etc and made fealty