inquisition Middelfeld | whereas at a court here held on the saturday the day after the purification of the blessed mary 3.2.21Edw3 Jn Fullere came and by the lord's licence let to Jn Hykeman one croft of land containing 3a lying next to land of Roger Sleygher for a term of two years etc therefore it was presented to seize etc and to return to the lord of the profits etc item Jn Nook and Isabel his wife came and by the lord's licence let to Robt Barbor and Xian his wife two parts of one croft called Midylfeld and a third part which Alice Nook held in her name for a term of twenty years etc therefore it was presented to seize into the hands of the lord etc and to return to the lord of the profits etc item Roger Sleygter now Jn Bovyll chaplain(inserted) came and took one plot of land in the king's highway next to the cemetery and his tenement containing in length 20ft and in breadth to the east head 9ft as divided by the metes and bounds to hold to the same his heirs and assigns etc returning thereof annually to the lord 2d per annum etc |