Earls Colne Manor Court Rolls (ERO D/DPr68)

12.11.1431 (Monday 12 November 1431)

document 56802164

inquisition Hen illegible text inquisition whereas at a court here held on the friday next after the feast of all souls 3.11.9Edw3 it was presented that Jocius the reeve the lord's bondsman held from the lord one messuage and five acrewar of land and there was heriot etc item he held one croft of land called Moltephigtell containing 1a and one croft of land called Pelleslond now Jn Turnor holds(inserted) containing 3a item he held 2a2r of land called Parkfeld and 1a of meadow which he held of Walt Carpenter and 1a2r of land inquisition(inserted) which was held of Jn Gosse item he held one piece of land of the priory of Colne called One Halfacre and they say that Jn is son and heir of the same according to custom of full age and he was admitted thereof tenant etc therefore it was presented to seize into the hands of the lord and to return to the lord of the profits etc