fine 2d | to this court came Jn Tredgold glazier and took out of the lord's hands a certain chamber called The Cartehouse builded upon the site of the manor of this lordship at the east end of a long stable near the churchyard there and also a certain purpresture called The Horsepette as it abutteth at one head upon the garden of the said Jn at the other head upon Holte Pond containing in length 5rod yielding therefore by year to the lord of this manor his heirs and attorneys 6d rent at the usual terms by equal portions to whom there is seisin thereof given by the steward to hold to him his heirs and assigns to the will of the lord by the service abovesaid and he giveth the lord fine for entry and made fealty and the same Jn his heirs and assigns shall repair and maintain the said chamber in every point at their own proper costs and charges but that the lord shall find them timber so often as it shall be needful |