at this same court the lord by his steward granted out of his hands to
Jn Fylbrygge
30a# of land and 5a3r of meadow called
sometime in the tenure of
Jn Quyxely
to have and to hold to the same said
Jn Fylbrygge
his wife and
their son and their assigns by court roll
and according to the custom of the manor
and that
his heirs and assigns should well and competently repair and keep in good repair and order the fences and hedges of the park of Earls Colne viz from
as far as
and from Park Gate as far as a certain little grove called
as often and as much as should be necessary to keep it well and sufficiently during the time of the occupation and holding by the said
of the said lands and meadow etc according to the custom of the manor etc and he made fine and fealty |