fine 12d condition |
whereas to this court came
late wife of
Wm Sorell
and surrendered all right title and estate which she herself holds or in any manner should be able to hold during her lifetime of and in one messuage with garden adjoining with appurtenances which same said garden lies at Colfordhell into the hands of the lord for the lord to do with as he would etc and the lord in his possession granted the aforesaid messuage with garden with appurtenances to
Thos Shawe
his wife and
Jn Smyth
of Tey to whom it was granted thereof seisin to them to hold to themselves and their assigns from the lord by the rod at the will of the lord and according to the custom of the manor returning as a rent to the lord per annum 5d annually at the usual terms of the manor etc and they made fine and fealty and the aforesaid
Joan Sorell
released her title upon the cond ition that the aforesaid
Thos Shawe
should pay or cause to be paid to the aforesaid
5marks3s4d of legal english money viz at the feast of easter now next followjng after the date of this court 10s and thus should be paid to the same said
at the said feast of easter the agreed payment per annum of 10s each year annually until the aforesaid 5marks3s4d should faithfully be paid upon pain of reentry upon default of payment at any of the days as fixed in part or in whole of the aforesaid payment if there should be default of payment then it should be allowed to the aforesaid
to reenter into her former estate and rehave the same this surrender notwithstanding on account of not having the money and they gave for a fine etc and made fealty etc |