Earls Colne Manor Court Rolls (ERO D/DPr91 checked with D/DPr70)

21.5.1499 (Tuesday 21 May 1499)

document 59701054

fine 4dto this court came Robt Yllie and Wm Yllie his son and surrendered into the lord's hands one cottage with a garden adjoining called Coles to the use of Rich Clopham to whom the lord granted seisin thereof to hold to him and Geof Audeley their heirs and assigns of the lord by the rod to the will of the lord etc on form and condition following viz that if the same Rich pay or cause to be paid to the same Robt and Wm 13s4d in manner and form following viz at michaelmas.next following 3s4d and at easter then next following 3s4d and so at every feast aforesaid 3s4d until the said 13s4d be fully paid and if there be any default of or in any part etc then it shall be lawful to the said Robt and Wm into the said cottage to reenter this surrender notwithstanding and they gave the lord fine etc and made fealty