parcel of Tollehouse | fine 2s at this court it is found by Thos Wybroughe steward that Jn Hawes of Colchester and Marion his wife late wife of Jn Freeman deceased and the same Marion alone and secretly by the aforesaid steward examined and confessed out of the court and since the last court surrendered into the lord's hands by the hands of the said Thos Wybroughe steward one purpresture of land sometime Kath Prudman's since Wm Oldhall's late Thos Brett's and one cartway parcel of the Tollehouse now builded on and one ditch there sometime Jn Mendhams and late the said Thos Brett's and likewise surrendered into the lord's hands one cartway leading from the highway over against the Stone Cross in Colne aforesaid for an entry to be had to the gate late the said Thos Brett's and also surrendered into the lord's hands one tenement or cottage with a garden adjoining and the appurtenances called Goolds set and lying in Colne aforesaid late Thos Brett's deceased to the use and behoof of Thos Awdeley gentleman his heirs and assigns who by Jn Estaie his attorney came and craved to be admitted thereunto and he is admitted the lord's tenant to whom by the lord's steward there is seisin thereof delivered to the hands of his attorney aforesaid to hold to the same Thos Awdeley his heirs and assigns of the lord by the rod to the will of the lord according to the custom of the manor and he giveth fine and his fealty is respited |