Earls Colne Manor Court Rolls (ERO D/DPr91 checked with D/DPr71)

22.5.1537 (Tuesday 22 May 1537)

document 63100246

Barcrofte X Parkefield Xfine 2s whereas in the leet with the court here holden on tuesday in the week of pentecost on the 14Hen8 10.6.1522 one Joan Lingwood and Isabel Lingwood daughters of Simon Lingwood deceased together with one croft of land customary with the appurtenances called Barcrofte containing by estimation 6a of land and one croft of land containing by estimation 4a2r of land called Parkefield and 1r of land lying near the land called Heyhouse and the park gate were committed into the custody of Wm Woodward Robt Kettle and Rich Potterd until the foresaid Joan and Isabel came to their ages of twenty years as in the said leet with the court more fully appears now to this court came Joan now the wife of Jn Roger who is now come to her age of 20yr as they said and craveth to be admitted to the half of the said two crofts of land and rood of land with the appurtenances according to the custom of the manor and for proof of her age he putteth herself upon the homage and the homage charged therefore which all say upon their oaths that she the said Joan is now of the age of 20yr and more as she before alleged and because it appeareth more at large as well by the court roll as by the homage that the petition of the said Joan is true therefore she is admitted the lord's tenant to whom by the lord's steward there is seisin thereof delivered thereof to hold to her her heirs and assigns of the lord by the rod to the will of the lord according to the custom of the manor and she giveth fine and made fealty