Earls Colne Manor Court Rolls (ERO D/DPr91 checked with D/DPr72)

23.5.1553 (Tuesday 23 May 1553)

document 64700566

grant of an annuity to this court came Roger Spycer and by the licence of the lord gave and assigns to Joan Spycer widow late the wife of Thos Spycer deceased a certain annuity or yearly rent of 26s8d of good and usual money of England yearly issuing of divers customary lands and tenements called Chewniesland lying in Colne aforesaid containing by estimation 14a of land or more etc to have levy and take the said annuity or yearly rent of 26s8d to the same Joan and her assigns during all the term of her life at four usual terms of the year viz at the feast of the nativity of st john baptist michaelmas xmas and annunciation by even portions and if it happens the said annuity or yearly rent of 26s8d to be behind and unpaid in part or in whole not paid by fifteen days after any feast of the feasts aforesaid in which it ought to be paid that then it shall be lawful for the said Joan and her assigns into the foresaid lands and tenements with their appurtenances to enter and distrain and the distresses there so taken lawfully to lead drive and carry away and the same with them to keep until the said annuity or yearly rent of 26s8d and every part thereof so behind being together with the damages and expenses had and made by that occupation about the premises to be to the same Joan fully paid and satisfied