fine 20s Michells Crofts | it is found by the homage that Wm Ashefield that held to him and his heirs of the lord as of this manor by the rod etc the remainder of four crofts of land called Michells with appurtenances as etc when it should happen by and after the death of Ann Ashefield widow as in the leet with the court here holden tuesday in the week of pentecost two and three 26.5.2PhM more at large appeareth died since the last court of and in the remainder of the foresaid four crofts of land with appurtenances sole seised in his demesne as of fee and they say further that Giles Ashefield brother of the said Wm of full age is the next heir thereunto who being present in the court came and prayed to be admitted thereunto and because it is found by the homage therefore he is admitted the lord's tenant thereof to whom by the lord's steward there is seisin thereof delivered to hold to him his heirs and assigns of the lord by the rod to the will of the lord according to the custom of the manor and by the services therefore due and of right accustomed when it shall happen by and after the death of the foresaid Ann Ashefield widow deceased (sic error) and he giveth fine etc and made fealty and hereupon to this court came the foresaid Giles Ashefield and in the full court surrendered into the lord's hands the remainder of the foresaid four crofts of land with appurtenances called Mychells to the use and behoof of Thos Mannocke gentleman and his heirs and assigns who being present in the court came and prayed to be admitted thereunto and he is admitted the lord's tenant thereof to whom by the lord's steward there is seisin thereof delivered to hold to him his heirs and assigns of the lord by the rod to the will of the lord according to the custom of the manor etc when it shall happen by and after the death of the foresaid Ann Ashefield widow and he giveth fine etc and made fealty |