and hereupon to this court came Eliz Stooks widow late the wife of the foresaid Robt and in the full court surrendered remised released and forever for her and her heirs quitclaimed to the foresaid Jn Garrard and his heirs in their full and peaceable possession being all the right title estate claim interest and demand which ever she had hath or by any means hereafter might have of and in the foresaid messuage and other the premises with the appurtenances from the beginning of the world to the day of this court so that neither she the foresaid Eliz nor her heirs nor any other for their or in their names may hereafter claim or challenge any right title estate claim or interest of and in the foresaid messuage and other the premises with appurtenances but are clear abarred from all action of right forever by these presents